With the flat-line of the housing market, many people are looking for ways they can protect their current investment by improving the value of their homes. There are many types of updates that can yield a high return such as kitchen updates, cabinet re-facing, and adding tile in wet-rooms.
In fact, HGTV wrote an article on which updates have the best return on investment (ROI) for your money. Defiantly worth taking a look before starting a new project.
However, don’t overlook the value of some fresh paint and the elegance that a faux finish accent wall can create. Its all about comfort and curb-appeal, right?
Some of you may want to make many of those improvements yourself, which is great. Others may want some help or simply not have the time to spend. Over the summer I have been developing some new faux finish techniques that may be of interest for inspiration. Take a look at some of my new faux painting samples and I welcome your feedback.
Visit us...
For decorative faux finish painting tips,
For information on interior painting in Colorado,
For information on exterior painting in Colorado,
For all of the colors from every major paint supplier,
For the “do it yourselfers,” please let me know how your project works out and if my samples were helpful.
For everyone else, I look forward to your call.