Denver House Painting - We are Professional House Painters serving Denver & Littleton with integrity and excellence in our craft - Backed with a 5 Year Product and Workmanship Guarantee!!!
Colorado Faux Painting specializes in Interior House Painting and Decorative Faux Painting.
House Painting Denver
We are the first choice in Denver for all your House Painting needs.
Quality Denver House Painting is the cornerstone of our success.
Explore samples of our interior painting, faux painting, house painting, or exterior painting projects and preparation.
Let Denver based Colorado Faux Painting put over 14 years of Artistry and House Painting Experience to work for you.
We specialize in…
• Interior House Painting
• Interior Custom Textures for your House
• Interior Faux Finish House Painting
• Interior Wall Repair & House Painting Pre-Prep
Colorado Faux Painting is insured for your protection, guarantees all workmanship for 5 years for your peace of mind, and accepts Visa/MC for your convenience.
To find out more about our House Painting services in Denver, visit Colorado Faux Painting.
To pre-select colors for your Denver House Painting project, visit our Denver interior decorating page.
For a Free House Painting estimate and color consultation in the Denver area,
--------------------------------> Call Dave at (303) 552-7785 <-------------------------------
Colorado Faux Painting is your trusted source for House Painting in Denver and the surrounding South West Denver, CO areas including Littleton, Cherry Hills, Cherry Creek, Centennial, DTC, Highlands Ranch, Ken Caryl Valley, Lakewood, Englewood, Aurora, Golden, Evergreen, Morrison, and Wheat Ridge.
Or, Denver and Littleton House Painting by Zip Code - 80034, 80110, 80113, 80120, 80121, 80122, 80123, 80125, 80126, 80127, 80128, 80129, 80130, 80131, 80150, 80151, 80154, 80155, 80160, 80161, 80162, 80163, 80165, 80166, 80201, 80202, 80203, 80204, 80205, 80206, 80207, 80208, 80209, 80210, 80211, 80212, 80214, 80215, 80217, 80218, 80219, 80220, 80222, 80223, 80224, 80225, 80226, 80227, 80228, 80232, 80235, 80236, 80238, 80243, 80244, 80246, 80247, 80248, 80250, 80251, 80252, 80255, 80256, 80257, 80259, 80261, 80262, 80263, 80264, 80265, 80266, 80270, 80271, 80273, 80274, 80275, 80279, 80280, 80281, 80285, 80290, 80291, 80292, 80293, 80294, 80295, 80299, 80401, 80402, 80419, 80433, 80437, 80453, 80454, 80457, 80465, 80270, 80271, 80273, 80274, 80275, 80279, 80280, 80281, 80285, 80290, 80291, 80292, 80295, 80299, 80401, 80433, 80453, 80454, 80457, 80465.
Your Trusted Denver House Painting Contractor
Colorado Faux Painting Inc.